The Better Sleep Blog
Posts tagged "Pillow"
Here's the hottest trend for 2019 that you may not know about... weighted blankets. Weighted blankets are said to help you sleep better, calm anxiety and reduce stress. Is it true? Read on to learn more.
Pillows: The Most Under-rated Player in the Sleep Game
Pillows, pillows everywhere. Everyone uses one but many people underestimate the importance of a good one. We'll show you why owning a better pillow can help you get the best sleep possible.
Sleep: America's New (Legal) Performance Enhancing Drug
Could sleep be the best performance enhancing drug on the market? The answer is yes; and best of all it's free, easily accessible, and you'll see benefits the very next day. Read on to discover why getting a good night sleep could be the key to a successful career, better relationship, stronger body, and more.
Five Reasons You Can't Sleep
You can't sleep. We know why and we can help.
Sleep plays an extremely important role in our day-to-day lives. A restful night’s sleep is the key to better health, lowered risk for several diseases and increased energy levels. Many of us, however, are not receiving the adequate quantity or quality of sleep required for optimum health.
Here are the top five reasons you can't sleep and we'll explore them in further detail in this post.
1. Looking at Your Phone Before Bed
2. Using the Wrong Pillow
3. Drinking Alcohol
4. Eating Too Late
5. Sleeping In Too Late